
International Steel Erector Certification

Demonstrable quality and safety practices common to projects erected in the US

DOTQSCertificationInternational Steel Erector Certification

Project Owners and Construction Managers erecting projects outside of the US

If you have a project to be delivered outside the US and you are looking for support from local firms to erect structural steel, consider requiring qualification to this program for your project. Improve the chances to select an international subcontractor who will show up to the job with the right safety and quality tools, equipment, training, knowledge of US codes and a mindset to fit in smoothly with your industrial or commercial erection site.

This program exceeds the requirements described in the AISC Certification Standard for Steel Fabrication and Erection, and Manufacturing of Metal Components. This program also includes qualification to specific project requirements determined by you. Consider the time and stress to educate and inform a chosen erection subcvontractor in US requirements and your project requirements who have had little or no exposure to the typical requirements of a US industrrial site.

The DOTQS International Steel Erector Certification has been used by US based construction firms to assure erection quality when specified by their US clients whose projects are fully or partially erected offshore.

Consider using the program to prequalify local firms or requiring international steel erector certification in your project specification.

For erectors based outside of the US

The International Steel Erector Program provides an avenue for international erectors wishing to be certified in erection quality defined by US codes and standards. The DOTQS International Steel Erector Program includes and surpasses the requirements described in the Certification Standard for Steel Fabrication and Erection, and Manufacturing of Metal Components. There are additional, rigorous program standards. Some requirements are not included such as some requirements for OSHA reporting and Experience Modification Rates that are not possible for firms based outside of the US. The program also has modified requirements for international firms preparing to service North American projects erected offshore and in their local region. Even International erectors who have no plans to erect projects for US based owners, choose themselves to carry this certification to distinguish themselves in their region from other firms not practicing at this quality and safety level.

If you are an erector based outside of the US, but erecting projects on US soil, consider certification through the Americian Institute of Steel Construction. https://www.aisc.org/certification/applicants/

What you can do next

Inquire via via email at info@dotqs.com or phone at 312-285-5344.

Who we are

DOT Quality Services is a certification body with experience in code writing, certification sheme design and development, and certification program management in the US and internationally. Auditors are engineers and technicians who hold current certifications as CQA (ASQ Certified Quality Auditor), CWI (AWS QC-1 Certified Welding Inspector), SSPC BCI (Bridge Coating Inspector) and company NDE certification in various methods.

Learn More about improving performance of international erection subcontractors