

We're A Leading Provider Of Audit And Certification Services To The Structural Steel And Fabrication Industry


DOTQS is backed by the expertise of a group of leading professionals in structural steel, CQEs, CQAs, CWIs, PEs, and CEs. Our team members serve on key code committees, attend industry meetings and work with some of the top engineers and consultants in our field.

Certification with Integrity

DOTQS is dedicated to providing impartial audit services. DOTQS staff monitors, records, and responds to threats of impartiality and conflicts of interest with the guidance of an independent Governing Committee to ensure the service our customers receives is clear, focused, untainted. That kind of integrity is rare. That kind of integrity is valuable.

Appeals and Complaints

We take your feedback seriously. To file a complaint or appeal or to contact us with any questions please email info@dotqs.com or call 312-285-5344.

​*DOTQS complies with impartiality requirements through accreditation by ANSI in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 65 requirements

​**DOT Quality Services DOTQS performs public training, conducts assessments to industry standards, and grants accredited certification to ISO 3834.  The revenue generated from those services support the organization during the process of becoming a certification body and will keep DOTQS as a viable company regardless of the financial success of accredited certification services. DOTQS does not consult.

Learn More About How DOTQS Pre-Assessment Can Ease Your Certification