
AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code Certification

Demonstrate Your Understanding And Ability To Work To This Important Contract Requirement

DOTQSCertificationAWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code Certification

Agencies, owners, engineers and project managers around the world consistently specify American fabrication codes and certification standards. Recognizing them in a contract is the first step, but assuring that you can meet the requirements through the right procedures and training is a much greater accomplishment.

Use this program if you are specifically involved in the fabrication of steel bridges. Requirements of this code are often found in large government contracts for the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and for other steel structures in the transportation industry on water and land.

Benefits for Manufacturers with Certification to AWS Codes:

  • Provides a reliable, third-party confirmation of welding capability and staff competence
  • Improved client confidence leading to a reduction in external audits
  • Assessments carried out by certified quality auditors who are also certified in weld inspection

Benefits for Owners of Structural Steel Bridges and Steel Building Structures:

  • Expertly-led, independent assessment of suppliers
  • In-depth evaluation of fabricator capability
  • Consistent assessment and uniform presentation of information and data

Relationship with ISO 9001

AWS code compliance can be accomplished independently or together with ISO 9001. ISO 9001 Quality Management System Requirements contain elements that can be implemented in any organization and support the AWS Codes.  An even closer companion certification is ISO 3834-Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials.

What you can do next

Inquire via email at info@dotqs.com or phone at 312-285-5344.

Accreditation and DOTQS

DOT Quality Services is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a certification body to grant certification to qualified firms who meet the requirements of this program. DOTQS is audited by ANSI annually to assure that the program is administered consistently and is technically correct.

Our auditors are AWS Certified Welding Inspectors, engineers and ASQ Certified Quality Auditors with many years of experience in assuring compliance with the AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code. AWS D1.5 is a standard requirement for thousands of bridge fabrication contracts worldwide. DOTQS Leadership has extensive experience in the implementation and design of international certification programs.

Learn More About How DOTQS Pre-Assessment Can Ease Your Certification