ISO 3834 Certification – Certification Of First U.S. Firm

Certification to ISO 3834 and its predecessor EN 729 has been a requirement in Europe and Asia for decades. It is a “ticket to sit at the table” for many industries in those regions and for US manufacturers ultimately dealing with OEMs selling in those regions. Certification by a US firm was first in 2012, when DOT Quality Services became the first U.S. Certification Body to qualify and offer the service. DOT Quality Services is accredited by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for this welding process certification.
The firm produces a variety of steel structures and components serving the structural steel and agribusiness sectors. They supply a broad customer base, from local job shops and farms to global manufacturing firms such as Case and Caterpillar. Customer welding process audits from some of these clients were waived once the firm obtained ISO 3834 certification.
DOTQS has certified a varied in clients in various industries including nuclear, tool & die repair, custom fabrication, railroad, and oil & gas.