
Steel Bridge Supplier Qualification Program – Minnesota DOT

DOTQSThings We DoSteel Bridge Supplier Qualification Program – Minnesota DOT

Steel Bridge Supplier Qualification Program – Minnesota DOT

DOTQS created the steel bridge supplier qualification program for the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation and has provided quality audit services for the Department for over a decade.

Audits were conducted on over 50 current and potential metals suppliers, galvanizers, coating applicators, and steel bridge & railing manufacturers twice yearly for the state’s steel bridge supplier qualification program. Only approved suppliers can provide structural metals products to the State of Minnesota.

Over the years the program has raised the bar on supplier performance and improved suppliers’ product and services. The quality is sustainable and improving. Most long term suppliers are audited less frequently now—a program goal.

DOTQS is the solution for owners, agencies or suppliers that want to launch or enhance sustainable quality management systems. Control, assure or demonstrate the quality of manufacturing, fabrication and erection of structures.